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Moderátor: Moderátoři DIGIarena.cz
Ned Bunnell writes: "Mike, Ricoh Pentax US kindly loaned me a Pentax K-3 III Monochrome. I’ve only had it for a few days, but I’m quite pleased with what I’m seeing so far. I’m primarily using my SMC FA 31mm (and FA 43mm Limited). The DNG files which I’m processing with ACR look great. Wonderful tones and detail. And what amazes me is I really can’t tell the difference between ISO 400 and 6400. I’ll probably have to start adding a little 'grain.' Because Tri-X never looked this clean.I’ve started a Flickr album and will be adding more photos over the next few weeks. I thought a few folks here might enjoy seeing them.
"And I should add, at this point I’m not doing any heavy editing. I’m just trying to understand how the raw files render images."
Cheers, Ned
fotofanda píše:Vypadá to moc dobře. Chtěl bych ale vidět přímé srovnání monochrom vs. bayer převedený do ČB.
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