Pokud je objektiv plně "vyzoomovaný" tak se dá vnitřním dílem trochu pohybovat ze strany na stranu.
je to normální?
Díky zkušenějším za reakce

Moderátor: Moderátoři DIGIarena.cz
The front optical module frame contains two glass element. The dirt was on the inner glass surface of the second element, so I’ve accurately cleaned it with moisturized tissue then dried out and double cleaned with dry tissue.
If you check official Fujinon optical design, 1st and 2nd glass elements sit inside front module frame. On two pictures below you see front surface of 3rd glass element. When Fujinon XF 18-55mm lens is zoomed in/out – 2nd and 3rd element come very close at 18mm, and move far from each other at 55mm. So the space area between these two glass surfaces is collecting most of dust and dirt because air is flowing inside large space of zoom chamber.
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