Zakládá se toto na pravdě? Já si myslím, že difrakce objektivu záleží jenom na aktuálně nastavené světelnosti. píše:True, high-aperture optics have obvious drawbacks. One of them I want to highlight the diffraction threshold, which sometimes starts from F / 8. Super-fast lenses with f / 1.4 and f / 1.2 and below suffer especially from diffraction at very closed apertures. Usually the minimum F number they can use is F / 16.
Low-aperture optics are less prone to diffraction because they need to perform less aperture maneuver. So the stock "dark" zooms at F / 8 only come to life and show excellent photo quality. This can be critical only for certain types of shooting, and the threshold is different for different lenses. The features and subtleties I have described cannot always be clearly shown, but over time they begin to be felt in practice and affect the work