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Diskuze pro všechny zájemce o koupi digitálního fotoaparátu

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Odeslat příspěvekod Josef001 6. 7. 2008 19:00

Většinou pošlou potvrzení z Banky o převodu, který bude trvat 14 dní a nutí tě, abys poslal už balíček, že peníze jsou na cestě :)

Odeslat příspěvekod Petr1968 6. 7. 2008 19:13

Smrt je pouhý okamžik, kdežto hanba trvá navěky.
Trvalý BAN
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Odeslat příspěvekod LocutusSK 6. 7. 2008 20:35

TA píše:no ak zaplatí dopredu bankovým prevodom, tak kde je problém? 8-P

Oni si ale nepýtaju tvoje bankové údaje, aby ti zaplatili, ale aby si od teba nejaké tie peniaze stiahli. Ja som v Írsku a tu dáš, povedzme mobilnému operátorovi, číslo tvojho účtu a on si v pohode stiahne z tvojho účtu peniaze, nikto z banky ti nezavolá, že či si to povolil, nič nemusíš v banke podpisovať, len dáš číslo účtu a máš po peniazoch.
Canon EOS 450D; EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS; EF 85mm f/1.8 USM; BG-E5 Grip; Speedlite 580EX II; Naneu Pro Military Ops Alpha Special Edition

Odeslat příspěvekod ypres.bass 6. 7. 2008 22:10

LocutusSK píše:
TA píše:no ak zaplatí dopredu bankovým prevodom, tak kde je problém? 8-P

Oni si ale nepýtaju tvoje bankové údaje, aby ti zaplatili, ale aby si od teba nejaké tie peniaze stiahli. Ja som v Írsku a tu dáš, povedzme mobilnému operátorovi, číslo tvojho účtu a on si v pohode stiahne z tvojho účtu peniaze, nikto z banky ti nezavolá, že či si to povolil, nič nemusíš v banke podpisovať, len dáš číslo účtu a máš po peniazoch.
no ale to je pěkně hloupé
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Odeslat příspěvekod friggo 7. 7. 2008 21:28

Ondrej Bobek píše:

Dear Ondrej ***,
Congratulations ! This acknowlegdgement sets forth certain terms upon which Mrs Nattalie Perry is interested in acquiring some Items and he paid the Total Amount of {1440.00Euro}
Below-Are The Noted Name And Bank Account There In.

Your Payment has been Processed Sucessfully on your behalf and it remain the final process to Transfer your money into Your Bank Account, but before this we will need the EMS SPEED POST/DHLExpress Shipment Service Tracking Number of the item before we can activate your bank account.
Please do allow 24 to 72 hours to activated your bank account after verifiying the shipment of the item to the buyer.
This is how we work things out here,Concerning the payment For Goods and We do hope you will understand us well and Comprehend with us about our form of payment to Secure both the buyer and seller interest from any Type Of Risk and Fraudulent Practices that is Very Rampant Through Online Transactions.

Tak ta angličtina je opravdu legrační, ale chápu, že ne každý to pozná...
Navíc citibank.uk je nesmysl (taky taková adresa neexistuje) - v Anglii se používá doména co.uk
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Odeslat příspěvekod duves 8. 7. 2008 06:55

LocutusSK píše:Oni si ale nepýtaju tvoje bankové údaje, aby ti zaplatili, ale aby si od teba nejaké tie peniaze stiahli. Ja som v Írsku a tu dáš, povedzme mobilnému operátorovi, číslo tvojho účtu a on si v pohode stiahne z tvojho účtu peniaze, nikto z banky ti nezavolá, že či si to povolil, nič nemusíš v banke podpisovať, len dáš číslo účtu a máš po peniazoch.

No to je choré. V podstate na slovensku niečo podobné neexistuje. A to máme dojem, že sa máme čo učiť. Od "západu". Bordel prichádza stade.
IR a ASTRO konverzie, OPRAVY poškriabaných snímačov
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Odeslat příspěvekod Anacron 8. 7. 2008 07:31

Taky když jsem asi před dvěma roky prodával svůj Zire72 tak mi přišel mail od nějaké pána z UK, že to chce pro svého manžela - na 96% moc anglicky neuměl, na 4% .....

Odeslat příspěvekod centsm 8. 7. 2008 08:21

duves píše:
LocutusSK píše:Oni si ale nepýtaju tvoje bankové údaje, aby ti zaplatili, ale aby si od teba nejaké tie peniaze stiahli. Ja som v Írsku a tu dáš, povedzme mobilnému operátorovi, číslo tvojho účtu a on si v pohode stiahne z tvojho účtu peniaze, nikto z banky ti nezavolá, že či si to povolil, nič nemusíš v banke podpisovať, len dáš číslo účtu a máš po peniazoch.

No to je choré. V podstate na slovensku niečo podobné neexistuje. A to máme dojem, že sa máme čo učiť. Od "západu". Bordel prichádza stade.

Myslím, že to takto funguje i u vás. V ČR sice bez pinu nebo podpisu nevyberu ani nezaplatím, ale stačí zajet kousek za hranice s touže kartou, kterou třeba na dálnici strčím do terminálu, za 5 vteřin vytáhnu a za 10 dnů mi moje banka stáhne bez ptaní a potvrzování platbu. Nebo u nás zaplatím u obchodníka s autorizací a banka mi platbu stáhne 2x, po reklamaci mi peníze za 2 měsíce vrátí. Přitom jsem autorizoval jen jednu transakci.

Odeslat příspěvekod duves 8. 7. 2008 08:37

To co uvadzas je uplne nieco ine. Ak banka "omylom" nahraje na zuctovanie kariet zostavu, tak sa to samozrejme duplicitne zuctuje. Myslim, že sme sa bavili o povolenom a nepovolenom inkase z účtu.
IR a ASTRO konverzie, OPRAVY poškriabaných snímačov
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Odeslat příspěvekod TA 9. 7. 2008 17:36

LocutusSK píše:Oni si ale nepýtaju tvoje bankové údaje, aby ti zaplatili, ale aby si od teba nejaké tie peniaze stiahli. Ja som v Írsku a tu dáš, povedzme mobilnému operátorovi, číslo tvojho účtu a on si v pohode stiahne z tvojho účtu peniaze, nikto z banky ti nezavolá, že či si to povolil, nič nemusíš v banke podpisovať, len dáš číslo účtu a máš po peniazoch.

a to je čo za somarinu? Hneď idem teda do Írska, nájdem nejaké čísla účtov a dám si poslať peniaze :-D pekná volovina
Live long and prosper!

Zachráňme košické trolejbusy!
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Odeslat příspěvekod Ondrej Bobek 25. 8. 2008 21:10

Dalsi pokus o podfuck:
Hello i am barry rose from Canada i am highly interested in buying your item for my son in west Africa nigeria and i am willing to offer you 1000euro for the item + the shipping cost to Nigeria i will pay you via BANK TO BANK ONLINE MONEY TRANSFER ....reply me to my private email *********
waiting to here from soonest

email som nezverejnil, musim predsa respektovat skukromie:D:D
Ondrej Bobek
Uživatelský avatar

Odeslat příspěvekod ivicek2 1. 9. 2008 22:03

ahojky,,,diky že si tvoju skusenosť napísal na internete,,,mne písala tiež ta nataly a keby si neporečítam ten tvoj článok asi by som jej naivne naletela,,,ale tak človek sa uči na vlastných chibách ...Inak nedá sa tuto natally dako udať? :-)

Odeslat příspěvekod Ondrej Bobek 2. 9. 2008 09:07

Urcite sa to da, ale boli by s tym dalsie problemy a naklady s neistym vysledkom. Google zo svojich stranok neposkytuje sukromne informacie, takze dopatrat sa k tomu, na koho je mail registrovany, by bolo tazke - a to neni iste, ci by slo o prave meno a udaje,.....treba si len davat pozor a nenaletiet na podobne "lacne" triky.
Ondrej Bobek
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Odeslat příspěvekod robertdecsi 9. 9. 2008 20:25

Pridam aj ja svoju skusenost s touto pliagou.
Kopirujem sem vacsinu komunikacie od zaciatku az po posledny mail na ktory som zatial nedostal odpoved:

Hello seller, I saw this your item and i will be very much intrested in buying the item i want you to let me know if the item is still available for sale and also let me know the Number of the item you have for sale.... Get back to me as soon as possible..

I wait

Odpoved, kde sa pitam odkial je :

the head unit is still avaible.
Number of the item ? Maybe you mean 468WXZ.
Where are you from?

Nahodena udica:
Hello thanks for the Fast Response...

I will like you to know that i am very much intrested in buying the item and i will like you to get back to me with the cost of the item and also let me know the condition of the item... Also i want you to get the item ready for shipment because i am willing to buy it and it is needed very urgently so you need to let me know the cost of shipping the item to my client son in Nigeria in the Address Below by DHL Express Shipment Service:

Name : A. Temidayo
Address : No 10 Poly Road Sanngo Area
City : Ibadan
State : Oyo State
Country : Nigeria
Zipcode : 23402
Phone : 2348051381254

Also for me to be able to make the payment of the item as soon as posssible i will like you to send me your name and bank Account Data as stated below so i can make the payment of the item as soon as possible...

Your Name
Bank Name
Bank Account Number

I wait your Email As soon As Possible and Please Email me Back in English and dont forget the item is needed very Urgently..


Vsimnite si ze som nedostal odpoved na otazku odkial je.
Moje nadsenie a vycislenie postovnych variacii a poziadavka pre platbu cez paypal :

head unit is for €350,-

Shipnet with DHL Express is very expensive €590,- (within 3days),

with FedEx express €400,- (within 3days),

with our Slovak post express €100,- (6days + declare in Nigeria),

or Slovak post first class €50,- (10-14days + declare in Nigeria).

Unit was used for 2months – just like a new one with all acessories including - as you can saw in previous mail.
Rather than clasic bank transfer, i prefer payment with paypal.
Please let me know if is it possible.



Prvej vete tazko porozumiet, paypal sa im nepaci (kto vie preco) a ziadost o bankove spojenie..:

Hello thanks for the Fast Response...

Well First I will like you to know that its better you send the item by Express Post office and make sure it is sent By The Post Office.....

Also for the Payment I can Only Make the Payment By Bank to Bank Transfer and i want you to send me your name and bank details so i can make the payment of the item as soon as psosible so you can go ahead and ship out the item tommorow....

I wait...


Moja odpoved kde som napisal aj bankove spojenie, tak ako chcel.
Vydedukoval som ze chce postou expres, znova sa pitam odkial je, resp. z ktorej banky pridu peniaze a ze ocakavam 450 eur:

It is up to you which method of shipping you want, depending on price.
If i correctly understand, you want to send the item by Post Office Express ( €100,- )
Bellow, there are my bank detail as you wanted.
I expect €450,-
Please let me know your bank/state for identif. your payment.
Item is ready to ship.

Tatra Banka, Hodzovo nam.3, 850 05, Bratislava
SK54 1100 0000 0026 **** ****


Na dalsi den nasledoval mail od dotycneho Alexovho bankara, s vysvetlivkami ze peniaze su poslane no potrebuju cislo zasielky a verifikacne cislo, zatial peniaze nepridu.
Zaujimave je ze posielaju o 100eur viac !!!, co mi zacina byt podozrive, ale neva, vsak zarobim, jeho problem:

Congratulations!The acknowledgment of the TRANSFER placed by Alex Arellano who is interested in acquiring certain {Clarion Head Unit} to have a Barclay's Bank Online Payment Money sent to you as payment for the item has been successfully processed and has consequently been APPROVED.

The financial details of the transaction are stated below:


(NOTE: All amounts are in EUR)



The Money will be TRANSFER to the name and account details below,Please verify that the Name and Account (As entered by the buyer) are correct so that the money transfer will not be delayed:

Account Name: DECSI ROBERT
Item Name: Clarion Head Unit
Bank Name: Tatra Banka
Account No: 26********
Iban No: SK54 1100 0000 0026 **** ****

If there is an error in the Name or Account details, Please contact the barclay's bank manager via email address:
You can register if you are new to Barclay's Bank Online Payment or you can update your profile if you are already a registered user.



The TRANSFER has been APPROVED, you CAN NOW go ahead and ship the merchandise ( Item ) to the buyer preferred shipping address and get back to us with the shipment number and verification so we can confirm and send the money into your account as soon as possible.


Your Money will NOT be TRANSFER to your ACCOUNT DETAILS until shipment has been verified. This measure is taken in order to protect both PAYEE and buyer interests and to reduce the occurrence of fraudulent activities.


You can have the shipment confirmed/verified by contacting Barclay's Bank Online Payment stating the Transaction Number and the TRACKING NUMBER of the shipment in your mail


Barclay's Bank Manager.

Keby tento mail poslali z konta tej udajnej banky (Barkles bank) a normalne sa podpisali tak im mozno na to skocim. No nezdal sa mi odosielat (
Nerozumel som co ma spolocne safemail s bankou a uz googlujem a cerpam info.. a zistujem pravdu.

V zapati (15min) mi pise alex a gratuluje , ubezpecuje ze vsetko zaplatil, no a vsetko co uz musim urobit je iba poslat balik pre jeho syna Expresom a povazuje vec za vybavenu:


Congratulations i will like you to know that i have make the payment of the item today and i hope by now you must have gotten the payment confirmation email from my bank that the payment of the item has been made confirmed and approved by them.So all you need to do now is to go ahead and ship out the item to my client son in Nigeria in the Address below by the EXPRESS POSTAL SERVICE :

Shipping Address

Name : Temidayo Ayodele
Address : No 10 Oba Adesida Road
city : Akure
State : Ondo STATE
ZIPOCODE : 23434

As soon as you make the shipment of the item you would need to send the shipment number to my bank customer service by email to
for online verification and as soon as you send the shipment number to them and they verify the shipment has been made...

Them they will send the money to your bank account as soon as possible in 24-48 hours without any delay Ok. So get the item shipped out fast and get back to me without any delay Ok once the shipment is made...

Thanks and Nice doing business with you...


Nakolko uz viem kolka bije, robim blbeho a pitam sa preco mi bankar pise zo safemail a tiez ziadam 100eur dopredu:


everithing seems ok, i received conf. mail but not from your bank, but from an unknown sender
Also because of the expensive shiping price, i need the €100,- before sending the item to your son.


Vyhybajuca sa a zatial posledna odpoved:
Hello thanks for the email....

I will like you to know that the payment of the item has been made and the email is the Bank Verification department email ok so all you need to do is to get the item shipped out so that they can confirm and transfer the money into your bank account so dont hesitate go ahead and ship out the item and i assure you that as soon as you make the shipment and send the shipment number to the verification agents email then they will confirm and transfer the money asap..

I wait get back to me once the shipment is been made...

Shipping Address

Name : Temidayo Ayodele
Address : No 10 Oba Adesida Road
city : Akure
State : Ondo STATE
ZIPOCODE : 23434

Dalej odpovedam, aby poslal 100eur lebo ze "nemam" dost penazi a navrhujem poslat balik normalnou prvou triedou ( koli nemoznosti zasielku elektronicky sledovat ), no tiez preferujem expres.
Tymto sledujem ci sa nahodou nechytia do mojej ubohej pasce a poslu tych 100eur:
If it is so urgent to you , please send my the €100,- and than i immediatly ship you the package.
I do not have enough money now.
Maybe, if you want i can send it by Post office first class, which costs less, but it will 14days + Declare.
But I also prefer Express because of verify number.

btw alex-ov mail na ktory si dajte bacha je
Snad niekomu moja skusenost pomoze a drzim palce "antipodvodnikom" viz.:
Kód: Vybrat vše

Odeslat příspěvekod robertdecsi 11. 9. 2008 09:40


"Bankarov" druhy mail:
We want you to know that this is the verification department emaail and here is where the online payment and shipment is been done and verified.

The transfer of the item been bought from you has been approved and confirmed by our payment verification department and we want you to know that the money will not be remitted (Transfered ) into your Bank account if we cannot verify that the Item has been shipped to the buyer shipping address and that you have used the buyer's prefered shipment Service.

Then when the shipment is made we will need the shipment evidence from you which is ( Shipment tracking number and Scan receipt) for us to be sure yje item has been truely shipped out before we transfer the money into your account. And we want you to know that once the shipment is confirmed by our shipment verification department we will notify you with an email letting you to know we have confirmed the shipment has been made and that the money as been sent into your account.

This is done in other to Protect Our Customer and Yourself from online Fraudulent Activiteis and this will be filed for documentation purposes and unforeseen future references that might arise.If there is an error in the payment details above,

Please we advise that you correct it and contact our Customer/Technical Dept at
,You can send the SCAN RECEIPT or TRACKING NUMBER. Stating the TRANSACTION IDENTIFICATION NUMBER #IBEMHDKZ6M as the Subject for easy clarifications.

Note :

Your account will be credited immediately upon confirmation of the shipment details required by us moreover our customer cannot abort the transfer after you might have sent the tracking number to us and we need the shipment evidence from you which is shipment tracking number /scan receipt for the verification.

Thanks for contacting and using our service and we are going to serve you better in future and we look forward to read back from you soonest.

Barclay's Bank Manager

Snazim sa zistit jeho meno, kontakt, dovod preco pise z ineho mailu a tiez vyzadujem ofotenu kopiu potvrdenia o prevode :
Dear Barclays Bank Manager.

1. I asked you why do you use safe-mail account except Barkley account ! No reply ! Why ??
2. You need ship. tracking number and SCAN receipt. OK. Then i need SCAN receip too, or anything authentic that the payment was trully made.
3. Please send me your detailed contact: your name, position, phone number.
Thak you

Smradi odpisuju - vyhovaraju sa na technicke problemi na strane banky a dostavam kontakt:
Thanks for the email and i really like the question you asked its a very nice enquiry. Well i want you to know that the reason we are using the safe-mail account in this department is that we are having a problem with the email linked to barclays bank and i complained to the company because i am the head of the payment and shipment verification unit they told me to try and get an email to use before the problem is been rectifed thats why i am using the safemail email account.
Also you need an authencity or a proof that the payment is made well for a bank transfer which is done online there is no scan proof or anything the proof is the confirmation email we sent to you and that is to let you know that the payment was made and i think you could see your name and full account number on it its just to let you know a payment is made and waiting to be transfered into your bank account.

Well my name is Mr Jonathan Gee and as i have told you eairlier i am the head of the Payment and shipment verification Department.+4479878990

Ich vyhovorky neobstali, neverim im a verim ze su si vedomy kolko podvodov pochadza z Nigerie...:
I never occured before that anyone from any bank used external email account. That is very strange for me.
For me the proof that the payment was made is deficient. Anyone can compose such a confirmation email.
I do not trust this because i am sure that you are aware how many frauds are carried out using Nigeria, Kenya and other African countries as the final destination.

Alex sa pokusal ma este presvedcit aby som urobil vsetko preto aby som tych 100euro zohnal, ze peniaze budem vedet vratit hned ako ja balik poslem, nakolko mi peniaze hned pridu.
Mimochodom tych 100euro naviac bolo vedome - koli urgentnosti. No nie su zlaty. (skor cierny).
Dalej uz suhlasil aby som balik poslal uz normalne prvou triedou - nie expresom.
Tu uz bolo (pre niektorych zrejme hned na zaciatku) jasne ze 100euro nedostanem a preto moj posledny mail na jeho poziadavku:
Ok then Go and send it with Registered Post office Ok First Class it should not cost more than 50 Euro and get back to me as soon as the shipment is made by the Registered Post office to the Address I gave to you
Nice try :D
Now, iam sure that this is a scam.
You and your "Bank manager" are scum Niggerian ****.
I forwarded this comunication to authorized people - police, existing banks, forums etc.
And iam glad that i retarded your activities.
Now i firewalled any mail that....


Je to moja prva skusenost a odteraz si dam este vacsi pozor na vsetko a hlavne spojene s nigeriou.

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