http://43addict.com/2019/02/13/olympus- ... -12-100mm/
Moderátor: Moderátoři DIGIarena.cz
Ganec píše:Tá 12-200 vyzerá pomerne skladne .. menšia ako 12-100
Zaujímavé porovnanieFerin píše:A porovnání 40 mm MFT:
https://www.lensrentals.com/blog/2018/0 ... -fabulous/
If I were most interested in this focal length for portraits, I’d probably want the Zuiko Digital f/1.8; that field curvature will help throw everything other than the subject out of focus. For landscapes or architectural shooting, the flat field of the Panasonic f/1.7 would be an advantage.
You might ask the very pertinent question, “The MTF is higher away from the center at a different focus position than best center focus. What if I focus out on the edges”? Well, you’ll get a much sharper image. The lens is very sharp away from the center; it’s just that the sharp area is in a different focus plane. But we can graph the best MTF for each point and get something very different; a graph that shows how sharp the lens could be if you focus off-axis. We call this the BIF graph, for Best Individual Focus.
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