... a6300A.HTM
Vraj A6000 bola najpredávanejšou bezrkadlovkou (a vraj sa predávala lepšie ako drahšie zrkadlovky):
"The Alpha A6000, says its maker, is not only the best-selling mirrorless camera to date, but also the best-selling interchangeable-lens camera with a pricetag at or above US$600."
A ešte dodám k téme: zrýchlili AF o 20%

Sony is also claiming that the autofocus system in the A6300 is just fractionally faster than the record-setting system in the A6000, taking just 0.05 seconds to determine a focus lock. (Of course, you'd be hard-pressed to notice a difference in the real world, as the earlier camera could lock focus in 0.06 seconds, but we'd imagine shaving off yet another hundredth of a second was no small task.)