upřímně u CO mě to ani nepřekvapuje. Už před časem mi přišlo ,že si z uživatelů dělají "oslíky otřes se"
Nevím proč to dělají.
Je fajn mít relativně "super" program ,ale pak skřípat zubama nad cenovou politikou mi příjde dost smutné.
Moderátor: Moderátoři DIGIarena.cz
In December last year we announced upcoming changes to our perpetual license and the introduction of a new Loyalty Program.
Based on your feedback, we are sharing details about the program early and delaying changes to our perpetual license by 2 weeks so you have more time to decide what is best for you going forward.
Changes to our perpetual license will now take effect from February 14, 2023.
You can find a reminder of your options at the bottom of this email. To help you in your decision, we have created a guide on the differences in cost between our purchase options.
Subscriptions, Licenses and Cost of Ownership
The Capture One Loyalty Program
On February 14, 2023 the Capture One Loyalty Program will replace the current “upgrade pricing” available under your account at captureone.com.
Under the program, you will receive benefits based on how recently you purchased your perpetual license for Capture One Pro.
Click here to see details of the Loyalty Program.
Here’s a reminder of how the upcoming changes to perpetual licenses affect you:
You have a perpetual license for Capture One Pro 23. This means there is nothing you need to do. You will receive all updates including new features for free until September 30, 2023.
After September 30, 2023, you can stay on the version of Capture One Pro available at that time for as long as you like. You will not receive any more free updates with new features, but your software will continue to work as is and there’s nothing to pay.
If you would like to get a new version of Capture One Pro (released after September 30, 2023), you will have 2 options available to you:
1. Buy a new perpetual license for Capture One Pro: Use that version of Capture One Pro for as long as you like. You will receive bug fixes until a new version is released, but you will not receive free updates with new features.
2. Move to a subscription plan: On a subscription plan, you will receive all updates, including new features for as long as you are a subscriber. Under our Loyalty Program you can also receive a discounted (or free) perpetual license for Capture One Pro when you decide to stop your subscription.
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